Contact — Ruby's Clay Studio & Gallery

Contact Us

Ruby's Clay Studio & Gallery

552A Noe Street, San Francisco, CA 94114

Located Between 18th and 19th in the Heart of the Castro


Manager’s Phone: 415-558-9819



Manager's Hours:

Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9 am to 1 pm

Mon., Wed. Evenings 5:30 - 9:00 pm

Tues. & Sat. 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Find us on Facebook, Instagram,

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Visit our Studio and Gallery

Hours are Generally 10am - 7pm Daily


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552a Noe Street
San Francisco, CA, 94114
United States


Ruby's Clay Studio is a non-profit arts center whose objectives are to promote community appreciation of the ceramic arts and to encourage self-expression and technical and artistic development through exhibitions, classes and the resources provided by a shared learning facility.


Manager Phone: (415)-558-9819


Manager Hours:

Mondays 9AM–1PM

Tuesdays 12–4PM

Wednesdays 9AM–1PM & 5–8PM

Thursdays 9AM–1PM

Fridays 9AM–1PM

Saturdays 1–4PM

Studio Monitor Hours:

Sundays 1–4PM

Mondays 5–8PM

Fridays 5–8PM

Find us on Facebook & Instagram as rubysclaystudio

Sign up for our newsletter below.


You can also send us a message here:

Ruby's Clay Studio & Gallery

552A Noe Street
San Francisco, CA, 94114

Located between 18th Street & 19th Street in the Heart of the Castro.